Front Page Extensions
The following is the process I used to enable FrontPage Extensions for new groups
on my Qube 2. I used a group directory to define the home page of a virtual host.
I tried to accurately capture the streamlined process but there may be typos and
other nuances for your specific setup.
From a clean group directory created from the Cobalt Administrator site (caymangroup
in this example),
cd /home/groups/caymangroup
mv private/.htaccess private/.htaccess.orig
/usr/local/frontpage/version4.0/bin/fpsrvadm.exe -o install -p 80 -m
-u admin -t apache-fp -s /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf -xu httpd -xg caymangroup
Of course, use the groupname and domain name appropriate for your site. Respond
to the prompt for the admin password (I did it this way rather than having the password
visible on the screen and also end up in the .history file). Then move the private/.htaccess
file back.
mv private/.htaccess.orig private/.htaccess
And finally add author access for the user who will be publishing the site.
/usr/local/frontpage/version4.0/bin/fpsrvadm.exe -o security -p 80 -m
-a authors -u yourauthorname
Respond to the prompt for the password for yourauthorname.